Thursday, February 18, 2016

Virtual Assistant vs In-house Assistant

Benjamin Franklin once said “Lost time is never found again”. But what does that sentiment mean to your business?  Does your business need a full staff of assistants and the office space that they will require to work in, as well as the furniture and equipment? Will you be able to find the right assistants to do the job? Do you have the time to hire, manage, and possibly fire assistants?  Do you keep a steady workload in order to keep these assistants busy? Will there be times that you need your assistant to work outside the normal business hours?  

Today, finding the right people for the job is virtually a key stroke away. I’m talking about a virtual assistant. Entrepreneur magazine writes “Using a virtual assistant can shave hours from your workweek,…, whether you’re starting or growing a business”.   
A virtual assistant can manage as many aspects of your business as you choose, while continuously changing with the needs of your business. A virtual assistant can  recruit staff, schedule appointments, conduct research, create documents and flyers, coordinate transactions, complete database entry and management and so many more endeavors, that cost your business time. And as we know- time is money. A virtual assistant is like having access to an office filled with specialists, but without the office and high overhead.  Best of all, you are in control of what your virtual assistant does and you are only paying for that work.  

The business world of 9-5 hours, an office filled with assistants, and a handshake to seal a deal is long gone. Today, we live in a fast paced world of technology.
Today, every minute counts in the world of business!

At BizeBee Virtual Assistants, you can count on us for all your business needs.