Work and home life balance is always something that needs work. When you are a real estate agent, your schedule can be unpredictable, and balancing work and home life can be difficult. There are ways to make this balance a little easier.
The first thing to do is to sit down at the beginning of each week and make a list of everything you have planned. This can be showings, appointments, and even fun activities you know you have planned. Take that list and put time frames next to each item. Add travel time and prep time to those times.
Next, take that list and plug it into your calendar. If you use an electronic planner, put it there. If you write everything down, write it down there. Be sure to put the allotted times next to each item. Once you have everything in your calendar you can see where you are overbooked, or where you have more time than you thought.
While it is summer, you may have your kids home. If they are still young, you will need to arrange for childcare on your very busy days. Having your days laid out in front of you can also help you determine when you don’t need childcare. It may help to have somebody who can help you out in a pinch.
In your home you can create a home schedule. Losing track of laundry, chores, and even dinner can be very stressful. The home is a family responsibility. The whole family makes the mess, the whole family can help maintain the home. Create a board or planner with all of the household tasks. Assign tasks to each family member. It may be a good idea to have a chore day where everything gets accomplished in one day. Maybe it works better to have daily chores. Set it up for what works best for your home. If your family is reluctant, offer an incentive such as allowance or a movie night out.
Once you have all of your responsibilities lined up, it will be easier to maintain. You can also see where you may need help in your work and home life. It is never a bad thing to ask for help! If you decide you need help balancing your work and home life, we can help! Call us at 202-469-6774. You can also schedule an appointment online to meet your schedule!
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